Amy Poehler

Teaches Prepare to Be Unprepared

Comedy icon Amy Poehler teaches you how improv principles can help you push past fear, find your people, and go all in on the life you want.

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  2k+  Students

Amy Poehler on Finding Your People and Purpose

Step into the world of comedy with the iconic Amy Poehler, as she teaches you how the art of improv can transform your approach to life. In this unique course, Amy shares her journey from aspiring comedian to becoming a celebrated comedy icon, providing insights that go beyond the stage. She introduces you to tools that prepare you for unexpected twists, whether you’re embarking on a new career or adapting to a new country. Discover the power of finding your team, committing to your true desires, and using Amy’s nine improv principles to excel in any situation. This class isn’t just about making people laugh; it’s about embracing fear, seizing opportunities, and living the life you’ve always wanted with confidence and spontaneity.

Course Content.

Follow Amy Poehler’s rise to fame and discover tools to help you be ready for anything—whether it’s a new career or a new country. Find your team, commit to what you really want, and use Amy’s nine improv principles to thrive in any situation.



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