Bill Nye

Teaches Science and Problem-Solving

Emmy Award recipient and renowned science educator Bill Nye presents his unique approach for addressing daily challenges, scrutinizing information effectively, and adopting a scientific mindset in problem-solving.

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Bill Nye's Blueprint: Unlocking the Scientist in You

Discover the Art of Problem-Solving with Emmy Award-winning educator, Bill Nye! Dive into a journey where Bill unveils his secrets to tackling everyday dilemmas. Learn to scrutinize information with a critical eye and embrace a scientific approach to problem-solving. Bill’s unique method, refined through years of experience, empowers you to think like a scientist in your daily life. This isn’t just a lesson; it’s an adventure in practical science, merging entertainment with education. Whether you’re a curious learner or a seasoned thinker, Bill Nye’s insights will transform the way you perceive and solve the puzzles of everyday existence.

Course Content.

Bill introduces himself and explains what members can expect from this class and how science can be used not only in our everyday lives, but also to solve big problems like climate change.

Discover how science gives you a new perspective, helps solve problems, and offers a more optimistic outlook on the future. Bill shares a story from his high school physics class and uses an augmented reality hologram to illustrate his point.

Bill details the importance of seemingly trivial information and how small things can lead to big ideas. He explains how a bee sting changed his life, the idea of learning objectives, and how discrepant events are opportunities for exploration.

Learn about the importance of evaluating claims with filters, testing hypotheses, and using critical thinking as Bill shares a ghost story and performs a surprising demonstration using different colors of light.

Bill explains how fear affects our thinking and how we can overcome it. He also covers xenophobia, reveals how politicians use scare tactics to control us, and shares a childhood story of a time he channeled his fear successfully.

Learn the value of being willing to seek out experts and being open to changing your mind. Bill explains the importance of words, and shares a device he helped design in his youth, which wouldn’t have been possible without help from machinists.

Using critical thinking skills, Bill breaks down the evidence of climate change and explains the science behind it. He talks about ice cores, greenhouse gases, and how the fossil fuel industry tries to downplay the danger.

Gain a handy mental tool that Bill uses to turn “nerd ideas into nerd action.” Go through each stage of the “Upside-Down Pyramid of Design” with Bill and learn how to make environmentally conscious choices along the way.

Embracing constraints can help you discover creative solutions. Bill walks you through a holographic box puzzle, explains the difference between the redundant safeties on a 747 and the Texas power grid, and performs a fun demonstration.

Bill takes on the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, explaining how each economic sector could improve. He covers transportation, electricity generation, industry, and agriculture—and even shares improvements members can implement at home.

Explore some of Bill’s big ideas (like carbon fees) for fighting climate change and creating a fairer, more science-minded society. Bill also talks about fighting inequality, and offers his idea of a mandatory national service requirement.

Recounting a personal tale about how his father’s love of sundials led to an achievement on Mars, Bill urges you to look to our planetary neighbors both as cautionary tales and as inspiration for the next generation of innovators.

In this bonus lesson, Bill teaches you how to tie five ancient knots, explaining why they are the perfect example of using science to improve your everyday life.



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