George W. Bush

Teaches Authentic Leadership

Develop listening skills and foster team collaboration. The 43rd President of the United States shares insights on leadership from his career and discusses his journey into the world of painting.

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George W. Bush on Diplomacy and Decision-Making

Embark on an enlightening journey into the realms of leadership and teamwork with the 43rd President of the United States. This comprehensive exploration delves into his experienced strategies in diplomacy, effective methods of building resilient teams, and adept crisis management skills. Gain valuable insights into the art of active listening and fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Learn how to inspire and motivate a team towards common goals, navigate through complex diplomatic scenarios, and handle challenging situations with poise and decisiveness. This rich narrative not only imparts practical skills but also offers a deeper understanding of the nuances of leadership, drawing from a wealth of real-world presidential experiences.

Course Content.

President George W. Bush opens up about his leadership philosophy and introduces his class. Meet Mrs. Laura Bush and visit their family home in Maine to get a feel for life after the presidency.

Listening to and learning about people takes effort, but empathy is essential to becoming a leader people want to follow. Learn how President Bush develops and maintains relationships by encouraging others to open up.

President Bush defines what a leader’s job is—and what it is not. In this lesson, he outlines his view that a leader sets the vision and leaves implementation to trusted team members.

Building a productive team that encourages disparate viewpoints is essential to successful leadership. That requires knowing your own weaknesses and strengths, listening to those around you, and recognizing when it’s time to make a change.

Tough decisions are inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for them. President Bush outlines the values and principles he uses to make decisions—large or small.

When developing a plan, leaders need to create outcomes that are measurable, and the right people need accountability. Learn how President Bush develops clear goals and achieves results.

President Bush faced the unimaginable during his time in office. Learn how he dealt with crises that defined his presidency.

President Bush covers the importance of communication. He addresses his “Bushisms,” discusses the power of a heartfelt message, and shares how he structures speeches.

Gain a big-picture view of President Bush’s career. Discover the lessons he learned on his journey to becoming commander in chief.

Learn what it takes to become an elected official, from fundraising and campaigning to working at the White House. Explore the extreme highs and lows of working in public office.

Driving home his philosophy, President Bush shares how having a key set of values can help you set clear expectations and stay balanced.

Join President Bush in his personal art studio in Maine. The former president concludes his class by sharing why he decided to start painting and how he views learning as a lifelong pursuit



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