Kelly Wearstler

Teaches Interior Design

Renowned designer Kelly Wearstler shares her expertise in interior design, offering a wealth of techniques to transform any space into a realm of enhanced beauty, boundless creativity, and abundant inspiration.

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Designing with Kelly Wearstler: The Art of Creative Home Choice

World-renowned interior designer Kelly Wearstler firmly believes in the transformative power of good design, asserting that it not only beautifies our surroundings but also enhances our overall well-being. In her engaging class, she meticulously outlines the invaluable lessons she will impart. Among the topics she’ll cover, you can expect to gain the confidence to make bold and creative choices to elevate the aesthetic and comfort of your home. Kelly Wearstler’s teachings promise to inspire and empower you on your design journey.

Course Content.

World-renowned interior designer Kelly Wearstler believes good design helps us live and feel better. She lays out what she will cover in the class, including how to confidently make creative choices for your home.

Design ideas are everywhere. To show you how to look for your own inspiration, Kelly shares how a bracelet became the basis for a sconce and a vintage dress informed the design of the Villon restaurant at the San Francisco Proper Hotel.

Kelly teaches you how to ask the right initial questions that will get you started on your new project.

Kelly reveals how to design your space like a boat, make a small space feel larger, and engage with existing architectural features to give your space a new spirit.

Go behind the scenes with Kelly as she walks you through the yet-to-open Downtown L.A. Proper Hotel. She shows you how she works with existing architectural features when starting a new design.

Wood, stone, tile, and metal are some of Kelly’s favorite materials. Discover how to create what she calls a “vibe tray” to play with materials and keep your project fluid.

According to Kelly, living without color is like living without love. Find out some easy, creative ways to invite colors into your home that make you feel good.

Kelly returns to the Downtown L.A. Proper Hotel to experiment with paint colors. You’ll learn how to apply paint and what to consider when testing colors.

See how texture adds dimension to your design as Kelly shows you how the multitextured elements in the Santa Monica Proper Hotel lobby work harmoniously together.

Pattern is one of Kelly’s favorite design vehicles. Learn how to work with pattern, how it adds energy to a room, and how to choose the right pattern for your home.

Lighting is everything. Kelly shares how to work with natural light, create a mood with dimmability, choose light bulbs, and add fun accents.

Kelly invites you into her living room and talks about her design choices. Learn how to work with balance and symmetry to create a comfortable living room, see your furniture as sculpture, and choose the right sofa.

Kelly encourages you to let your curiosity be your guide in collecting and displaying the objects that make you feel your best at home.

Kelly walks you through the various elements—color, texture, lighting, furnishing—that came together for the Santa Monica Proper Hotel.

Kelly discusses the designers who have influenced her work, including Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Josef Hoffmann, Pierre Cardin, and Ettore Sottsass.

Kelly talks about experiences that inspired her to become the designer she is today

Kelly shares how she manages her time, how she faces challenges and deals with design failures, and where and how she shops when in a new city.



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