Kim Scott

Teaches Tackle the Hard Conversations With Radical Candor®

Kim Scott teaches you Radical Candor®, a transformative feedback method that fosters open communication, enhances relationships, and improves performance in both personal and professional settings.

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Radical Candor: Transform Your Communication, Transform Your Life

Kim Scott, acclaimed author and creator of Radical Candor®, offers a comprehensive course designed to revolutionize how you communicate in the workplace and beyond. This course delves into the principles of Radical Candor, a balanced approach to feedback that combines caring personally with challenging directly. Through a series of modules, you’ll learn how to effectively ask for, receive, and utilize feedback, give praise that empowers, and offer constructive criticism that promotes growth. Scott guides you through practical exercises to build your skills in fostering genuine interactions, cultivating a culture of open dialogue, and enhancing team dynamics. By embracing Radical Candor, you’ll unlock the potential for personal and professional development, leading to more rewarding relationships and a more inclusive work environment.

Course Content.

Kim introduces herself and provides an overview of what you’ll do: Learn the Radical Candor® method for getting and giving transformational feedback.

Navigate the four quadrants of Radical Candor and learn why this framework can improve your interactions in any relationship, at work or at home.

Walk through Kim’s methodical approach to providing and receiving feedback, including how to identify and reward candor in the workplace and beyond.

Explore Kim’s tools for giving praise and learn how to use them in your day-to-day interactions.

Apply the same tools you learned for giving praise to provide criticism through a caring lens. Learn how to identify the real problem when bias, prejudice, and bullying creep in masked as feedback.

Everyone interprets feedback differently. Discover how to understand and respond to varying reactions when giving feedback.

With Kim’s approach, you can create a culture of candor that highlights the importance of storytelling and speaking truth to power.

Learn Kim’s favorite tips and techniques for maintaining your new skills, encouraging candor, and sustaining the empowering culture you’ve created.



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