Michael Pollan

Teaches Intentional Eating

Renowned writer Michael Pollan imparts decades of research, guiding you on ethical, health-conscious, and sustainable eating practices. Learn from his expertise as he shares insights into making mindful choices for a more responsible and nourishing approach to food consumption.

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Seeds of Wisdom: Michael Pollan's Culinary Revolution

Bestselling author and award-winning journalist Michael Pollan, known for his expertise in food systems, embarks on a captivating journey in his class. Delving into the roots of his fascination with food chains, he kicks off with a surprising celebration. Pollan navigates the complexities of the Western diet and the American paradox, unraveling the values embedded in our food choices. He goes beyond conventional teachings, showing how to plant seeds, both literally and metaphorically, demystifying intentional eating. The class doesn’t shy away from addressing systemic injustices infiltrating our food systems, emphasizing the urgent need for government policies to rectify these issues. Join Pollan on a transformative exploration of ethical and sustainable eating practices.

Course Content.

Bestselling author and award-winning journalist Michael Pollan shares where his fascination with food chains began, and celebrates the start of the class with a surprise.

Michael describes the Western diet, the American paradox, and the values you can express through what you eat. He also teaches members how to plant seeds—literally and metaphorically.

Michael demystifies intentional eating. He also walks you through how systemic injustices invade our food systems and why they need to be addressed through government policies.

Learn how to navigate the four food chains—industrial, big organic, regenerative, and first-person—and explore the values each one represents.

Join Michael for a visit to a regenerative farm and listen in as he talks with farmers about their permaculture practices. Learn how their approach affects animals and plants on the farm, as well as the surrounding neighborhood.

Michael uncovers the truth of the meat industry, including the disturbing realities for animals and workers. He also offers insight on how meat-eating can be more ethical and provides a look at viable meat alternatives.

Set yourself up for success, and good health. Michael teaches you why diets don’t work and offers his own simple food rules as a more sustainable option.

Michael explains why you should avoid ultraprocessed foods and how to distinguish real food from food-like substances. Learn how to smartly navigate a supermarket—then embark on a scavenger hunt.

It’s not just the food you eat, but the amount. Michael opens your eyes to the psychological tricks corporations employ to get you to eat more, and shows you how to avoid their traps.

Michael walks you through the many benefits that a primarily plant-based diet has to offer. He also offers his take on the controversial topic of GMOs.

Michael explores the unique history of coffee and sugar. Learn how these substances affect your body and mind—and manage your consumption to fit your needs.

Cooking is the most important skill you can hone to eat intentionally. Michael shows you how to rediscover the joy of preparing your own food.

Michael shares his view on the power of communal meals, and he urges you to embrace the ways eating can bring people together.



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